Wednesday, March 18, 2009

About Last Night

We had a wonderful time of celebration last night. St. Patrick's Day is also RianDei's (Gary's daughter) first birthday! We had quite the the ICU. We were able to snag one of the resting rooms and celebrated big with Hideway Pizza, balloons, an ice cream cake, and presents. The entire family and a few other guests were there and it really was a nice time of fellowship and lifted everyone's spirits.

Early morning they took Jim for another CT Scan. His neurosurgeon, Dr. Engles, said the scan showed no change. The blood was still in his water chamber (ventricle) and had not dissipated......but he hasn't gotten any worse! He did wake Hazel up in the middle of the night, asking her to let him go to the store and get some grape juice! His blood pressure is doing well and they plan on slowly weening him from the BP medication, hoping his body can normalize that on his own. His temputure has been rising so they have administered tylenol to hopefully keep that down. But his vitals are strong and he is much more responsive than yesterday. Our new nurse for the day shift is a retired Special Ops Nurse. He's great. We've been using these oral sponges to wet his mouth and tongue and the nurse started soaking them in grape juice. Jim will just have to take what he can get!

So all in all, a pretty uneventful day. In my book, an uneventful day is a good day....Praise the Lord! Tomorrow is Jim's 87th birthday so we definitely plan on celebrating. We are going to be celebrating Beverly's (3-13) and Gary's (3-14) tomorrow as well. There's definitely been more partying in the resting rooms than resting.....they might just have to rename it!

Specific prayers for today: strength, peace and rest for the family and pray that he can fight off an infection of any kind.


Unknown said...

LaNeale, you are as brilliant as your mom. Thanks for the updates!

Anonymous said...

Hey sweetie .. it's Meloni. Just want you to know that we love you and we're praying for you .. all of you. I've been sick this week with a cold or I would be up there to distribute big hugs. Thanks so much for keeping us informed so we can pray specifically for your Poppi. Love you!

jenny said...

Beverly- Happy Birthday and I am still praying for you dad and family.